Monday, August 26, 2024


 Hello, my name is Abbie Newlin and I am a homeschooling mom trying to accomplish everything I set my mind to. I enjoy taking walks in nature and cooking/baking for my loved ones as my hobbies. I made the decision to continue my education back in the Fall of 2023, however, due to health reasons, I struggled to navigate my semesters. After a small break during that period, I started to feel more confident in myself and wanted to keep pushing through to reach the goals that I had set for myself. This is my second semester since doing so, and I'm looking forward to having "Art Explorations F200X" as a part of that journey.

 I love the arts, even though I have never had much talent for them. I love studying and enjoying the different tones and possible interpretations. I've always admired how no one sees the same piece of art in the same way; it's a different piece to everyone without actually having to be. In my free time, I enjoy doing various crafts, which can include but are not limited to, painting, clay sculpting, and upcycling. As part of my son's school year and for my own enjoyment as well, I plan to take full advantage of the nearby art exhibits and museums. Seeing life's creations in their natural habitats is also wonderful art that I enjoy taking in. The Medieval Arts are some of my favorites, due to how bizarre they are.


  1. Wow this was very intriguing, I hope you keep posting!

  2. This video is brilliant. Rabbits dispensing justice and a nun harvesting. It certainly explains why Islam frowns upon illustrations in sacred texts. Although stories of Djinn permeate the sacred texts - so they have their own supernatural variations on phenomena that we can't see. I think you'll really enjoy this class.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Abbie! I like the piece you chose. It's super funky and I'm of the same mind as you; the weirder the better. I also like how you embedded a video for some background!

  4. Hey Abbie, nice to meet you. I also like walks in nature, I find them quite calming to the mind. The medieval art you chose is also pretty neat. I love how goofy medieval art can get, most of them are amusing to the eye.

  5. At times education is challenging. I enjoy learning and teaching my Native cultural languages. It can be a form of art also.


Aboriginal Art from the Northern Territory & Western Australia Regions

Aboriginal History Aboriginal art has existed for over 50,000 years and, stems from the roots of Aboriginal peoples. Through archeological d...